Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 24, 2009

Ray’s Ramblings
September 24, 2009

Dear Parents,

INDEPENDENT READERS: Today, we had our first volunteer moms. Each child brought home a little reader and a book slip. Please follow this procedure with the books.

1. Read the book TO your child. Point to each word as you go.
2. Have your child read the book WITH you 1-2 times.
3. Have your child read the book alone, pointing to each word.
4. Play a game with the book. Have your child close the book, then play “find a word/letter”. Have them find the word in the book.
5. Take the repetitive pattern in the book and have your child create their own page using that pattern. Illustrate and send to school the next day (be sure name is on paper!)

I only have 2 mothers in each class who have volunteered to come and help check out the books. If anyone else is willing PLEASE let me know. I completely depend on volunteers to help with this process. I cannot guarantee that your child will get a book every night. If a book does come home, please read it, sign the paper and send any work you did relating to the book to school the next day. If I have a parent, your child will get another book the next night. THEY WILL NOT RECEIVE ANOTHER BOOK UNTIL THE PREVIOUS BOOK IS RETURNED. Remember, there is a $5.00 replacement cost for lost books. Keep them in your child’s folder when you are not reading. Keep them away from pets and younger siblings. The children are told NOT to get the books out of their backpack on the bus or at daycare.

HOMEWORK: September homework packets are due by Wednesday, 9-30. (If the packets are complete on Friday, I will take them home to grade over the weekend.) Children turning in complete homework packets will receive an extra treasure box treat next Friday. October Homework packets will go home on Thursday!
I sent home the field trip permission slips for the Patterson Pumpkin Patch last week. I have not received many slips back. I need the permission slips as soon as possible. The money is not due until the Friday before Fall Break (October 9). If you are able to help pay for another child, please check that on the slip so I can see where we stand. Do not send extra money at this time, I will let you know if we need it. When you do send money, make checks out to JELV, please.

BOOK ORDERS are due tomorrow. Remember, one check to Scholastic Book Clubs can pay for all book orders.

Upcoming Themes:

September 28 – October 2 - PUMPKINS
October 5 – 9 The Farm
October 19 – 23 The Farm

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
Friday, September 25 – Fall Comprehension Assessment
Thursday, October 8 – JELV Family Fun Night “Hoe Down” 5:00 to 7:00
October 10 – 18 – FALL BREAK
October 20 – Field Trip to Patterson Pumpkin Patch
October 28 – Early Release – AM comes to school; PM does not!
October 30 – Community Helper Costume Parade (all children dress either as their favorite community helper OR what they want to be when they grow up! NO HALLOWEEN COSTUMES OR SUPER HEROES. (Parade time will be announced later)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

September 3, 2009

Ray’s Ramblings
September 3, 2009

Dear Parents,

We have had a very busy week. Initial screening and assessment of all children is complete and we will begin ELF Groups (reading) next week. ELF stands for Early Literacy Friends. Whenever I say ELF it refers to our reading groups.

NO SCHOOL ON MONDAY: Everyone enjoy your three day weekend!

PARENT ORIENTATION: Thursday night is Parent Orientation. Please come at the time you signed up for. Remember to be prepared to come either 30 minutes early or stay 30 minutes after the session in my room. Remember, this meeting is for adults only!

TAKE HOME FOLDERS: Some of our folders are getting quite full! Please make it a habit to go through your child’s folder each night. When you return the folder the next day, it should ONLY contain homework, note to me, or envelope with money! Please remove work that has been completed! Remember to send folders everyday.

HOME WORK PROJECT: I am very pleased with the projects that you completed at home. They will be on display Thursday night at Orientation!

TREASURE BOX: Please continue to send items for Treasure Box. We will be drawing from this each Friday! Thank you so much for your donations!!!

BEHAVIOR: The children seem to be settling into our routine. Thank you for your support from home. Continue to talk with your child about “making good choices” and “stop and think”.

HOMEWORK: All children should be practicing writing their name correctly! As they write their name, have them SAY the name of each letter. I am finding that many children cannot spell or recognize the letters in their name! Also practice writing numbers 0 to 10, using the following rhymes:

SEPTEMBER HOMEWORK PACKETS: Our first “OFFCIAL” homework packet will be given out at Parent Orientation.

Straight line down
Then you’re done.
That’s the way
To make a one!

Around and back
On the railroad track.
Two! Two!
Two! Two!
Around a tree,
Around a tree,
That’s the way
To make a three!

Down and over,
Down once more,
That’s the way
To make a four!

Straight line down,
Then around,
Hat on top
And five’s a clown!
A stick and a hoop
Do the tricks
That’s the way
To make a six!

Across the sky
And down from heaven
That’s the way
To make a seven!

Make an ‘S’
Do not wait
Come back up
And that’s an eight!
A hoop and a line
That’s a nine!

Straight line down
Then around with a grin
That’s the way
To make a ten!
