Wednesday, November 19, 2008

November 20, 2008

Ray’s Ramblings
November 20, 2008

Dear Parents,

We are still learning a lot about Native Americans and are looking forward to our FEAST on Tuesday! I am sending out a very special THANK-YOU to Taunya Turner 885-7905(AM) and Mary U’Wren 858-3474(PM) for organizing the feasts! If you have questions, please contact them or send a note to me at school. I have the greatest volunteer moms in the world!! All of them!!!

Picture Retakes are tomorrow (Friday 11-21). In last week’s letter, I instructed that if you want the free retakes, to send in the old pictures and I would send you another envelope.

Christmas Gifts are already coming in! That’s great. Jamie Tippey’s mom, Amanda, has offered to get together a group order for oriental trading company. This is a great idea for those of you who haven’t already come up with an idea. There are many items you can purchase for the entire class for as little as $3 – 10. Go to to see what they have. If you are interested, you can e-mail Amanda at or call her at 421-3503 to give her your order.

In lieu of teacher gifts for Christmas, I would appreciate more treasure box stuff!!!

Don’t forget Holiday Central. I have ‘adopted’ two families for our two classes to sponsor. This includes four children: two boys and two girls. We need enough money to provide a gift for each child and an outfit for each. Any money over and above that will be put on a Kroger gift certificate for food. I know it is early but I have only had 2 donations so far. I have 46 children. If each child could bring $1, that would go a long way!

In the next few weeks, I am planning a number of craft projects and activities for Christmas. Check e-mail and my blog as I will be posting things I need. Right now, I would like you to be saving toy ads and inserts. We will be cutting pictures and making ‘Christmas lists’. Send me your Sunday inserts from Toys R Us, Wal Mart, Target, etc.
Conferences: I have set a personal goal to conference or home visit with every child before our Christmas break. I am trying to schedule 4 visits each week. When I send you a request, please reply quickly so I can schedule with you as soon as possible.

Next Week:
Monday – we will be creating our costumes to wear to our feast. Children will choose between Native American dress and Pilgrim. We will be viewing videos of Native Americans in the Computer lab.
Tuesday – We will have a special story, a writing activity and our feast. The Feast will be at 9:45 and 1:45. Parents are welcome! We will have Motor Mouth at 10:30 and 2:30, then dismissal at 11:10 and 3:10, as usual.
No School on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday next week!!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Charles Schultz Philosophy

Here's a quiz I received in e-mail. This one really hit me and I decided to pass it on to you! See how you do:

The following is the philosophy of Charles Schulz, the creator of the 'Peanuts' comic strip. You don't have to actually answer the questions.? Just ponder on them.

1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America pageant.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.
5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
6. Name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.?

How did you do?
The point is , none of us remember the headliners of yesterday.
These are no second-rate achievers.
They are the best in their fields.
But the applause dies..
Awards tarnish.
Achievements are forgotten.
Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners?

Now try answering these questions:

1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special!!
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.?
The lesson:
The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials..
the most money...or the most awards.
They simply are the ones who care the most.?
''Be Yourself. Everyone Else Is Taken!'??

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Christmas Gift Ideas

This is a list of items that have been popular in years past: Every child brings 24 gifts. These should be all alike or same for girls/boys. There is no price limit - it is entirely up to you. The beauty of this plan is that every child gets the same thing!!! A Big grab bag of Christmas goodies from their friends!!! These are just suggestions! Be creative and have fun! Fancy pencils, stickers, fancy erasers, candy bar, Little Debbie Xmas cakes, party toys, gift certificates to Frisch's/ McDonalds, coloring books, markers, headbands for girls, gloves for boys, craft items - ornaments, candy, quarters, 50 cent piece, pencil grips, playdoh, books, etc. I have had children make necklaces for their classmates, make ornaments, bookmarks, doorknob hangers, etc.

November 13, 2008 Newsletter

Ray’s Ramblings
November 13, 2008

Dear Parents,

PICTURE MAKE-UPS: Make-up picture day is November 21. If you wish to have remake pictures made of your child, send the old picture packet back in order to get free make-ups and I will send home a new order envelope for you to fill out.

HOLIDAY CENTRAL: I have chosen two families for my classes to help sponsor for Christmas. The families each have 2 children. If you are able to help sponsor these families so they can have a special Christmas, please send me a donation of $1 or more. I have parents who have volunteered to ‘shop’ when the money is in. We will choose an outfit for each child and a couple of toys. Any extra money received will be used to purchase a Kroger gift card for the family. Put any money for this cause in a special envelope marked Ray’s Xmas.

THANKSGIVING FEAST: We will have an ‘authentic’ Native American feast on Tuesday, November 25. I would like the children to experience foods that may have been served /gathered at the first Thanksgiving. These include: raisins, nuts, breads, jerky, fry bread, vegetables. If you have something special you would like to prepare (pumpkin bread, jerky, etc. drop me a note. Otherwise, I will have my parent volunteers call and randomly ask for donations. Be looking for their call. We will also need plates, napkins, cups, drinks.) Our feast should be at 10:00 and 2:00. Parents are invited.

A WORD ABOUT CHRISTMAS: For the past several years, I have had a very successful plan for Christmas. I ask each child to bring a gift for each child in the classroom!!! This is very simple and entirely up to you. You may choose to do something as simple as purchasing 24 pencils, or 24 pieces of bubble gum, or 24 stickers, or 24 Little Debbie Christmas cakes, or you could be as extreme as hand crafting 24 handmade ornaments. I ask each child to send in a Christmas shopping bag size bag with their name on it. When it’s party time, we will sit in a circle with our bag in front of us and each child will go around the circle and pass out their treats. Every child gets the exact same thing – a total grab bag full of goodies. A good place to shop is a party store!!! Be creative! I’m giving you advance notice so you can be on the lookout for just the ‘right’ gift to give. If you need more suggestions, I will be posting successful treats from the past on my blog.

INDEPENDENT BOOK CHECK OUT - PM Class – we have had 2 days this week with no parent volunteer. When the parents are unable to come in, we usually don’t get books checked out. Hopefully, we will be back on target next week. I am moving ALL children up a basket. As they move up, there is a wider variety of difficulty levels in the basket – especially once they reach ‘C’ level and above. If your child gets a book that is a little more difficult for them, just do your best and make sure they have fun with the book. Note this on the book sheet and hopefully, the next one will be a better fit.

COAT REMINDER: As the weather gets colder, it is important that you send your child with the proper outer wear. Remember, we will make every attempt to go outside for a few minutes each day. If the weather is in the 30’s, your child must wear a COAT – not a sweatshirt, sweater or light jacket. If you do not have a winter coat for your child and need assistance, let me know and I will see what I can do! Just let me know. Also, if you have outgrown ‘gently used’ coats, we have children who could use them!!

HOMEWORK: I’m seeing lots of good homework!!! Keep up the good work!! I love seeing the kidwriting come in! If you could get a pad of primary lined paper and begin helping your child learn to write on the lines that would be greatly appreciated. I would like to see you doing 2-3 kidwriting exercises per week, practicing sounding out what they hear.

Native American Sites

I am having a lot of trouble realizing that we only have 9 school days left before Thanksgiving. I am not getting in as much Native American studies as I would like. Our time just doesn't allow it!

I just found a fantastic site! Check this out and explore it with your child. There is a lot of information and great pictures. They will love it!!!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Veteran's Day

Check out this linkfor interactive activites to play online with your child pertaining to Veteran's Day. We will be talking this week about Veteran's Day and writing letters to Veterans saying "Thank You" for their service to our Country!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


After being at home all week in bed, I finally got around to going through the pictures I have received, deleting those with no picture permission and getting them posted! Enjoy! We had a great time - both classes!!!

Pumpkin Patch 2008!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 6, 2008 Newsletter

Ray’s Ramblings
November 6, 2008

Dear Parents,

I am writing this from my bed. I have been hit with the stomach flu – and BAD!!! I hope to be back on my feet and well enough to be back to school on Friday. The class has been in great hands with Mrs. Chrissi Polson who has been subbing for me and Mrs. Jump.

SCHOOL PICTURES: The word is that the pictures should be delivered to school on the 7th. This means they should go home on Monday, the 10th. Make up day for pictures is November 21.

MUSIC WALK: Monday we will be taking a walking field trip to Asbury College for a demonstration of their piano, harpsichord and pipe organ. This is always an exciting trip for the children. They will get to play each instrument. Any parents wanting to go with us are welcome. I don’t know the time for the walk. I’m assuming Mrs. Dolive, the music teacher will send something home or you can contact the school to find out.

HOLIDAY CENTRAL: The deadline for a family to apply for Holiday Central Christmas assistance is November 21. I am planning to sign up to sponsor two families this year -- hopefully one for my AM class and one for the PM class. As soon as the family is chosen, I will let you know what is needed. Anyone interested in helping me with this charitable project is welcome. Just send me a note and let me know if you are willing to shop, send money or whatever!!!

CLOTHING NEEDED: Whenever a child has an accident or a spill at school and receives a change of clothes from our clothes bank, we need to have the clothes laundered and returned to school. We are running out of pants sized 7-16 for boys and girls. If you have ‘gently used’ clothing that you could donate for this cause, please send them in!