Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Great Links

I am getting requests for websites to help with homework. Don't forget to go to my website!!! I am not updating the website since I started the blog! Blogging is much easier! BUT, the links on the website are extensive and are a good resource for you! Check it out!


The most requested site is the handwriting help site:


Right now, the kids would really love to be using the Native american abc flash cards. The link is on the site! Actually there are lots of different sets of flash cards!

www.kellyskindergarten.com is a wonderful site. Many of the games I use in the classroom come from this site. You can print out your own copy and use it at home.

Here's one more tip. I don't mean to push Google over any other site but this is just what I am familiar with. If you set www.google.com as your home page, you can create/design your own homepage with igoogle. You can add things of interest to you. One add-on is Google Reader. This is where you can put my blog address in. Then whenever I post a blog, it will show up in your googlereader box like "you have mail". I use this to keep up with the blogs I subscribe to. This way, whenever my friends post a new entry, it automatically notifies me. I'm sure other providers have something similar - I just use google.

Let me know how it works!

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