Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Family Turkey Project

Mrs. Ray’s Family Thanksgiving Project

Dear Families,
This is our second family project of the year!!! I got so many positive responses about how much fun you had working with your child on the “All About Me” project at the beginning of the year! Get ready for project #2!!!
We need your help! Attached to this letter, you will find a turkey (in 2 parts). Please help this turkey make it safely past Thanksgiving by disguising him as part of your family. Turkeys that have made it through past years have been dressed as ballerinas, hula dancers, football players, Elvis and many other family resemblances. Think of something that is unique to your family (hobbies, jobs, sports, interests, etc.) and dress your turkey.
Please remember that the idea is to have FUN and be creative!!! You may use any medium you can think of to decorate. Family turkeys have been turned in decorated with tissue papers, craft feathers, ribbon, yarn, cotton balls, dried beans, rice, clothes, material scraps and shoes/clothes cut from magazines, newspaper ads, etc.
Please follow these directions when disguising your turkey:
1. Cut out your turkey.
2. Glue him together matching up in the middle.
3. Decide how you will disguise your turkey.
4. Work together as a family and have fun!!!
5. Return your turkey to school by Monday, November 23!
The finished projects will be on display above your child’s cubby on Tuesday the 24th (Family Feast Day!)
Thank you for all your support!

Here are a couple of links to give you some ideas. OR, just google Family Turkey Project to find even more!!!

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